4.59 out of 5
1394 reviews on Udemy

(Oxford) Master Diploma : Economics (Includes Macro/Micro)

NINETY HOURS : Micro/Macro/Global/Business/Behavioural Economics
Chris Sivewright
12,785 students enrolled
English [Auto]
This is the ONLY Udemy course to offer the Oxford Diploma for Economics
How you learn by joining in the 6000 discussions! (As at August 2023)
Davos and Globalisation
Focusing on individual countries (eg. USA, UK, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, India, Italy, South Africa)
Analysis of global topics including climate change, peak oil theory, economic growth, economics of veganism
25 workbooks including COVID-19 impact: learn through discussion also the Indian economy
Analysis of pro-Brexit economic arguments
Workbooks/lectures on: USA, India, UK, Australia
The economic legacy of Theresa May (UK Prime Minister)
The EU Elections
Economics and decluttering
The USA Economy as at April 2023
A seven day course in Business Economics English
Climate change and Economics
Understand the basics of micro and macro Economics
Trumponomics and Corbynomics
Textbooks are included!

November 2023: Brand new series of lectures at the beginning that set the tone for the whole course.

August 2023: New section on Behavioural Economics added

Important notice: This course is run as a HUGE class. There are 8000+ posts in the Q/A at an average of about 60 posts a day. Students from many different countries post and ask/answer questions on all aspects of Economics. 

Recent discussions have been about:

  • Islam and Economics

  • Marginal Utility

  • Elasticity

  • Bidenomics and the American economy

  • South Africa and Economics

  • 2021 budget and budgets in general

  • Climate Change and economics…and economies

  • Brexit

  • Modern monetary theory

  • Indian economy

  • USA economy

  • Vocabulary tests galore to make sure you understand

  • Q/A discussions – you post definitions and get asked questions

  • Ukraine economy

  • Davos

  • 2023 economic policy

  • Exchange rates

This is a course where everyone learns from each other. 8000 posts means students are ENGAGED IN THE COURSE.

NEW CASE STUDIES ADDED 28TH APRIL 2023: 20 mini Case Studies


The FOURTEEN courses take you through BEGINNER to ADVANCED!

Course One – Business Economics English

This is a seven day Business Economics English course for those students whose first language is not nEnglish. If you are fluent in English then skip this course.

Course Two – Egg Timer Economics

‘Egg timer economics’ is a series of very short lectures that illustrate key areas of the advanced Economics course. (Each lecture is about 3.5 minutes, hence the title ‘Egg-timer Economics!) The course introduces key areas of micro and macroeconomics in a very straightforward way. There are also two sections on current affairs to encourage those attending the course to use news items to learn about Economics.

Each lecture (except Current Affairs) is accompanied by data response questions and a quiz.

Course Three – Corbynomics


Jeremy Corbyn leads the Labour Party in the UK. ‘Corbynomics’ has certainly captured the attention of the young.

BUT what IS ‘Corbynomics’?

This part examines the Labour Party’s Economic policies

Course Four- Revision Lectures


There are three elements to this course:

· current news items

· rapid fire questions about the economics in the news

· revision lectures

Course Five – World Economics

We look at individual economies of the world – starting with the UK

Course Six

Back to basics but also a giant leap forward – go and look!

Topics include:

· aggregate demand

· aggregate supply

· confidence and AD

· economies of Australia, America, Sweden and the UK

· impact of Brexit

· international trade

· government economic policy

· savings/savings ratio

· Twitter as an investment tool

Course Seven

· The economic legacy of Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister who has just resigned (May 2019)

· The European Elections

Course Eight

The UK has a new Prime Minister. He has made a series of pledges about the economy.

These are analysed.

Courses Nine and Ten

A Before..and After course which measures your progress.

Course Eleven

The Economic impact of COVID-19 (and a workbook)

Course Twelve

The Economy of the USA

Current as at April 2020 we look at the USA and COVID…and the impact. But we also look at whether Americans are happy with their economy.

Course Thirteen

The Nigerian Economy

We consider the macro areas of the Nigerian Economy

Course Fourteen

April Fools economics

Created specifically for April 1st we look at Economic hoaxes.

What terminology would you expect the audience to use to find your course?

The terminology is common business language – as found in newspapers. Therefore terms such as ‘fiscal policy’ and ‘monetary policy’ are used. Students are encouraged to use the Q/A option to raise points and questions. These questions will very quickly be responded to. Remember too that there is an ‘Economics English’ course included.

What kind of materials are included?

600+ short lectures and some documents that a) test whether the student had understood/remembered the key elements of the lecture and b) questions encouraging to do their own research. In that way the course continues beyond the video.

How long will the course take to complete?

Assuming the student has 2 hours a day , the course could easily be covered in ten weeks. However, one of the purposes of the course is to enthuse the student and the questions asked may encourage the student to spend hours reading newspaper articles. There are also 24 workbooks that, if filled in, will easily take another 120 hours. (This is a very intensive course!)

How is the course structured?

The lectures follow the standard Advanced Economic syllabus. So, video, then an extension document. Then the next video. There are many, many revision questions.

Why take this course?

So many reasons!

1. To quickly gain an understanding of microeconomics and macroeconomics

2. To be able to assess and evaluate America’s economic policies

3. To be able to assess and evaluate the UK’s ‘alternative’ economic policies

4. In the final extended section you can thoroughly test yourself and really see if you understand the economics behind current articles. These lectures are boosted by repeats of earlier lectures. Thus: R-E-V-I-S-I-O-N


COMPULSORY Please watch this first!

OPTIONAL : Maximising enjoyment

OPTIONAL: Short Course: Business and Economics English

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.6 out of 5
1394 Ratings

Detailed Rating

Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1


91 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed